5 Reasons Why Learning to Say No is an Important Life Skill

12 min readOct 28, 2020
Being overburdened from not knowing how to say No
Image by skeeze from Pixabay

“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.” — Paulo Coelho

The clarity & confidence to choose what you feel is right has the power to change positively the way you experience life. When you know how to balance what you want to do and what you have to do effortlessly, life becomes so much more enjoyable and uncomplicated. That’s why learning to say no effectively is important.

What will be covered here:

  1. Why learning to say no is an important life skill.
  2. Understanding why it’s difficult to say No.
  3. Saying no without guilt or being rude.
  4. How do you say no professionally.
  5. Inspirational quotes for learning to say no.

Giving up your choices simply not to sound rude or avoid an awkward conversation can make you take on way more than you’ve time, energy or intention for. And this will, in turn, leave you feeling stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated.

So, is it okay to say no?

It’s more than okay! In fact, it’s fundamental…absolutely necessary if you

  1. like to have a say in what happens in your life.
  2. Want to maintain a healthy value of self-worth.
  3. Don’t want to spend your life overwhelmed.
  4. Want to thrive instead of just survive,

then making the art of saying no a part of your personality is essential.

GIF via Giphy

In fact, you’ve already been doing it every time you said yes…because when you agree to something, you’re essentially saying no to something else.

When it comes to leading a well-balanced, intentional, enjoyable and fulfilling life, you can’t stress enough the importance of learning to say no.

Why learning to say no is an important life skill

If you have healthy boundaries in your life, then you probably know how much easier it becomes to avoid trying to get on every good thing because of the fear of missing out. It’s one of the best ways to ensure you can honor your promises and respect others without ignoring your own value.

And one of the things that make this possible is developing saying no skills because it detoxifies your life of a lot of confusion and unnecessary complications. Essentially, it changes positively your quality of life because of the way you feel about yourself, your work, things you have to do, people around you, your mental and emotional energy…and almost everything else.

  1. Bigger say in deciding how your life looks

Learning to say no is a life skill that empowers you to make choices better aligned with your goals and dreams. It removes confusion about where life’s leading you & creates a life with fewer “it’s complicated” moments.

Don’t let other’s priorities eclipse yours. When you’re clear about your priorities, making better decisions & saying no for the right reasons at the right time becomes easier.

When we learn how to say no mindfully without guilt or avoidance, we clear the path for a contented life & a more intentional lifestyle. It creates a very strong foundation for effective stress management and creating time for things that truly matter.

2. Unplug stress and overwhelm

Even when you love what you do, it’s possible to get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done.

If you find yourself over-committing whether professionally or with family & friends, then you need to take time out & evaluate if you’re saying yes for the right reasons & within your limits of time, resources, and energy.

Though it sometimes becomes impossible to say no in professional situations, boundaries created gradually over time make things easier. It takes willingness and patience, but it’s certainly doable.

Stretching yourself thin, over-committing, agreeing to things half-heartedly, and getting pressured into decisions causes most of the stress we experience in life. And you guessed it right, it can all back be traced back to not being able to say no.

When you make promises that keeping in mind your energy and time, you get a better chance of putting in the best effort without compromising on other commitments. Thus, helping you to manage stress better.

Feeling stress-free because of healthy boundaries
Image from Pixabay

3. Confidence and respect

It’s a life skill that positively changes how you present yourself professionally and/or personally. Knowing instinctively when to say yes and when ‘no’ is the right word, shows you have clarity about your priorities, about what you want from life, and about how to respect others’ choices without ignoring yours.

Saying ‘no’ doesn’t always mean that we don’t want to put in an effort or are snooty. It simply means you value your promises and like to see them through. It also shows that you don’t believe in stringing along just to avoid conflict, awkwardness, or hurting others’ feelings.

It shows you’re dependable. And people respect trustworthiness because it shows them you respect their time & right to know how things truly stand. Reliability doesn’t only mean ‘always’ being able to offer a solution. It also means being able to show up for what you committed in the best possible way.

When you realize that making yourself a priority is essential for carrying your duties & responsibilities well, you start valuing yourself more. It brings clarity in your thoughts & it becomes easier to see how standing up for your choices and saying no works better for all.

“Love yourself enough to set boundaries….You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” — Anna Taylor

4. Stop taking things personally

A healthy value of self-worth will help you see through rudeness or toxicity to know when it’s more a reflection of the other person’s inner struggles & insecurities than anything about you. It’s the kind of insight that helps you ignore or walk away instead of engaging with negativity at any level.

Start saying no to negative people tearing you down. When you show up for yourself and say, “no, that’s not who I am”, it shows other people how much you value yourself. Having healthy personal boundaries and standing up for them makes others treat you with the respect you deserve.

The moment you stop subscribing to others’ views of who you are, you start seeing the real you. It improves your self-worth & frees you to make choices aligned with your priorities, values, & vision of life. It starts to peel of redundant beliefs & backstories subconsciously making you to aim for a cookie-cutter life not aligned with who you truly are.

5. Make time for what matters

As someone very rightly said, the surefire way to failure is trying to please everyone all the time. Learning to say no to other’s portrayal of your character, estimation of your potential, & the standard milestones of success will make you more aware of the possibilities & opportunities leading to your dream goals.

Learning to say no is part of improving and getting better to achieve your life goals more efficiently.

Ever felt you had missed the chance at what you really wanted to do in life or doubt whether you have what it takes to follow what you are passionate about? Learning to say no to the beliefs and self-talk holding you back can show you how it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

When you say yes intentionally, you’re able to make more time for the things that truly matter, pause and enjoy your wins along the way, and stay confident that every action you take is leading you in the right direction.

“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.”

- Paulo Coelho

Why do we say yes when we want to say no

It’s important to understand the ‘why’ behind anything when you’re trying to break a bad habit. Because let’s face it, agreeing to something because it seems to be easier at the moment is a bad habit — one that costs you peace of mind and lots of wasted time.

Saying yes too often leads to stress
Image by Pedro Figueras from Pixabay

People mostly end up making choices they don’t really want to because they want to avoid awkward conflicts & keep things simple. But the thing is, this very thing makes life even more complicated and overwhelming.

Why is it difficult to say no?

When you want to learn saying no, understanding why it’s difficult is super important. What is it that mostly makes you say yes when all you want to do is say no? Is it because you-

  1. Don’t want to sound rude.
  2. Feel it makes others like you better.
  3. Sometimes do it just to get along and not stick out like a sore thumb.
  4. Think it simpler to agree at the moment and get out of it later with some excuse.
  5. Find it easier to agree when people get so naggingly persuasive than to stick to your choice.

It could be anything. But the aim is to understand what makes you stick to this habit, what makes you do it over and over again. Because according to research, when something rewards our brain in any way, it tends to repeat that action.

What we need to realize is that it’s in fact kind and respectful to others to value their time and let them know politely (yet clearly) what they can expect from you.

A simple no may sound curt at the moment, but it saves a lot of stress, loss of trust, wasted time, and frayed relationships in the long run. The key is to learn how do you say no without being rude because the aim should be to refuse, not reject.

Saying no without guilt or being rude

Learning to say no without feeling guilty gives you the benefit of minimizing stress and overwhelm in your life…plus the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing.

It may be that you don’t find it difficult to stick with your choice with people you aren’t close to, but when you think of how to say no to family or how to say no to a friend, things start getting complicated. You want to stand up for the right things but in a way that doesn’t make them feel put down or betrayed.

The key to making it easier is to understand that showing up for your priorities doesn’t make you rude, inconsiderate or a bad person.

Plus, it will earn you respect from them as well as yourself because it highlights your

  1. Conviction in your values.
  2. Clarity of your thoughts.
  3. Character strengths.

And most of all, it makes your life easier.

So, how do you say no without being rude?

Politeness doesn’t only include words & gestures, but your intentions too. Saying no upfront is more polite than agreeing to something without the intention of following through. It shows you respect the other person’s time & right to explore other options. Plus, it becomes easier to create healthy boundaries which are respected by other people too.

Saying no makes it easier for other people to know and respect your boundaries
Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni from Pixabay

These 5 steps will make saying no the right way easier:

  • Clarity: Get clear about your priorities, resources, time & energy. This will help you look at requests objectively & reply promptly in a positive way.
  • Conviction: Say yes to things that you’re convinced about & commit within your capacity. It will make honoring your commitments and saying no to lesser-priority things easier.
  • Technique: Use a calm but assertive voice for saying no. Give your full attention to the person to avoid making them feel belittled.
  • Following through: Don’t waver from your choice because of the fear of offending others or missing out on a great opportunity. Going back from your stance after saying no would add a tag of ‘negotiable’ to your choices in the future too. If you’re convinced about the ‘why’ behind your No, it will make overcoming resistance easier.
  • Practice: Our brain is hardwired to choose an easier path. Saying no can cause anxiety & awkwardness initially and so our brain tries to switch back to the short-term comfort of saying yes. Keep practicing if you want to make saying no skill a part of your personality — something effortless.

How do you say no professionally

Learning to say no at work is important because it has the power to influence the pace at which your career grows, which direction it takes, and how much you enjoy your journey to the top — making success worth its cost.

These pointers will help you start thinking along the right lines — approach best suited to your personality and work situation.

  1. Focus: Get clear in your head where you want to be and the career path that’ll take you there. Opportunities of all kinds will come along the way, but don’t fall for the fear of missing out because all shiny objects aren’t worth the effort. Take a tip from successful people and keep your focus on the end-goal. It’ll make sure every action takes you closer to that goal in one way or other.
  2. Buy time: Whenever you’re not sure if something is a right fit for you or your time, say “I’ll get back to you” to think it through. But make sure to do get back even if you decide it’s a no for you.
  3. If that’s not an option: It’s never easy to say no to your boss or even buy time with an “I’ll get back to you”. (I think this is a really neat strategy but can’t remember who said this). When you’ve your plate full & the boss puts one more thing on it, you just say “Sure. I’ve these things lined up (give a list). So, which one should I push down the list to make space for what you asked right now?”
  4. Make a habit: When at work, try to give a clear why or offer an alternative for not being able to say yes. It shows you’re not rejecting the other person or trying to put them down, but that you’re refusing because you’re genuinely unable to fit their request in your schedule.

Take up responsibilities proactively to speed up your professional goals, but take care not to do it at the cost of what’s expected of you.

Plus, when your work keeps on flooding into your personal time or commitments, the yin-yang balance needed to keep you efficient & motivated in the long-term is lost. So, make sure you’re saying yes to the things that would be worth it when you look back.

Inspiring quotes to make learning to say No easier

“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” — Josh Billings

“Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to the things and people that stress you out.”Thema Davis

“There are often many things we feel we should do that, in fact, we don’t really have to do. Getting to the point where we can tell the difference is a major milestone in the simplification process.” — Elaine St. James

“Focusing is about saying no.” — Steve Jobs

“It takes true courage and real humility to say no.” — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Serenity comes from the ability to say yes to existence. Courage comes from the ability to say no to the wrong choices made by others.” — Ayn Rand

“When you learn to say yes to yourself, you will be able to say no to others, with love.” — Alain Cohen

Saying no to others means you have more time for yourself
Image from Pixabay

Don’t let others manage your time, energy, emotions, & resources by expecting you to say yes all the time. Value yourself a little more & create boundaries not to keep others out, but to stop people from taking you for granted & managing YOUR time their way.

Learning to say no is a crucial life skill that will declutter a lot of confusion & complications we keep on collecting in our life. It’s not about becoming selfish or rude, but about deciding to do things — whether for yourself or others — that make you happy.

Knowing when to say yes is a life skill that will make you fall back in love with your life. Give it a try, you’ll be happily surprised!

So, what makes you say yes when all you want to do is say no?




Writer behind Nandyz Soulshine (www.nandyzsoulshine.com), a collection of motivational and relatable ideas to uncomplicate life one step at a time.